Blood Pressure Contributes to a Heart Attack - Steps to Prevent Heart Diseases
Normal blood pressure is vital to your health and well-being. Normal blood pressure is just what it sounds like — the pressure you feel in your arteries as they narrow. Normal blood pressure is important to your overall health because it allows the heart to pump efficiently, without excess strain or damage.
However, if high blood pressure becomes severe, it can cause a number of problems, including:
– Heart disease – High blood pressure can lead to heart disease through several mechanisms, including accelerated arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
– Increased risk of heart attack – High blood pressure can also increase a person’s risk of having a heart attack by increasing the amount of muscle that is damaged and weakened in the walls of the artery. The increased risk for heart attack may be higher for people with diabetes or women who have had pre-existing heart conditions such as high cholesterol levels.
– Stroke – High blood pressure can also cause an abnormal blockage in one of the arteries supplying blood to the brain. This could result in a stroke or death from this condition.
3. What is Atherosclerosis?
Atherosclerosis is a condition where the arteries of the heart are gradually narrowed, which causes heart attacks. We know there are many factors that lead to high blood pressure. What we don’t yet know is why atherosclerosis occurs, and how it can be prevented.
4. How To Measure Blood Pressure?
You may be familiar with some of the symptoms of high blood pressure (or hypertension). You know that it can lead to heart disease, stroke, and even a heart attack. But what exactly is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is referred to as “hypertension,” which is a condition in which your blood pressure (the force of the blood passing through your veins) is higher than normal. Generally, this condition causes your arteries to narrow, which leads to an increased pressure in the arteries and veins. The excess strain and resulting damage from high blood pressure can cause the coronary arteries serving the heart to slowly become narrowed from a buildup of fat, cholesterol, and other substances that together are called plaque. This slow process is known as atherosclerosis.
From time to time, you may be told that you have high blood pressure. Your doctor may tell you simply that you have hypertension or high blood pressure. Or they may refer to it as something else entirely; for example, “pre-diabetic” or “type 2 diabetes mellitus” or simply “high blood pressure” might be used instead of hypertension or high blood pressure. It can also be called any number of other things—for example, “congestive heart failure” or “coronary artery disease”—and addressing multiple conditions at once can create confusion for patients who are not fully aware of what their condition actually entails or how it should best be treated.
There are many possible causes for high blood pressure:
1) An increase in the size of the coronary arteries (the vessels where cholesterol and other substances move).
2) A decrease in the size of these vessels (atherosclerosis).
3) An increase in the size of veins (varicose veins).
4) A decrease in the size of veins (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy).
Based on these four factors listed above and several more possible causes yet unknowns, there are many known ways for doctors to treat hypertension: diet control; medicines; herbs such as ginkgo biloba; exercise; stress management techniques; stress reduction techniques; behavioral strategies such as smoking cessation and daily stress management activities such as meditation; lifestyle changes such as living sedentary lifestyles and being overweight/obese; genetic counseling/screening tests involving various genes involved with cardiovascular health issues such as smoking/exercise habits/fat/alcohol use/stress levels etc.;
5. Risk Factors
A study published in the "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism" suggests that a deficiency in a certain protein called angiotensinogen, or ANG, may be responsible for the development of high blood pressure.
This, in turn, could lead to atherosclerosis. The findings have been confirmed by another study whose results have been published in "JAMA" magazine.
High blood pressure is a leading cause of heart disease and stroke and is now also considered an independent risk factor for cancer. The most common form of hypertension -- hypertension that is not controlled with medication -- has a slightly higher rate of heart attack than normal blood pressure, but it does not necessarily mean that it can be treated.
The risk of having a coronary heart attack is substantial, and many people with high blood pressure may not know it. The risk starts early in life, but if you wait until your 50s to be tested, you may be too late.
Let’s do some simple tests to find out about your health and discover what’s keeping your arteries from working properly.
High Blood Pressure: If you’re experiencing symptoms suggestive of high blood pressure from a variety of sources (frequent headaches, dizziness or lightheadedness, fatigue), talk to your doctor about testing for the condition. You may also want to consider health care for yourself during this difficult period—if you can afford it.
High blood pressure (known more commonly as hypertension) is a condition where the blood vessels that connect your heart to other parts of your body are very narrow. The narrowing makes it harder for blood to flow through the vessels, causing high levels of pressure within the arteries that supply certain organs with oxygen and nutrients. If left untreated with no known cause or explanation, high blood pressure can lead to heart attack or stroke.
6. Complications
High blood pressure is a major cause of death. About 17.9 million people die each year from CVDs, an estimated 32% of all deaths worldwide. 85% of all CVD deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes. This is because the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrow and clogged. The result is an increased risk of a heart attack, which results in death.
High blood pressure affects one out of every five people in America, especially those who are not overweight or obese. More than 25 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure, and many of them also experience heart disease as well as stroke.
This condition can be easily treated, with only some minor side effects related to medication; however, these medications may not always be enough to control high blood pressure.
The most important thing you can do is begin taking steps to lower your blood pressure naturally by using lifestyle changes to make your daily routine healthier.
7. Conclusion
Excess blood pressure can lead to heart attacks and strokes, so there is a tremendous need for people with high blood pressure to take steps to lower their blood pressure.
The main reason for the need for people with high blood pressure to take steps to lower their blood pressure is the fact that when your heart attacks or starts failing, it leads to a drop in your blood pressure. In order to prevent these events from happening, you must, first of all, lower your blood pressure. You can do this by taking regular medications or by using an ACE inhibitor (which reduces your body’s ability to make angiotensin).
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