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Exercise | Nutrition | How Long Does It Take To Build Muscle Mass?

 How Long Does It Take To Build Muscle?

How fast can your body build muscle? When we're looking to start putting on some muscle with our training and our diet, we want to know how quickly we can actually see games. And what can we expect in terms of muscle gain? So in this article, we're going to cover everything, particularly going to cover four factors that dictate how fast your body should build muscle. Now, first off, helping busy guys in their 40s 50s and 60s lose fat and pack on maps. But more importantly, for this topic.

In this article, we are going to discuss exactly what you need to know and cover some of the training supplementation nutrition principles as well. Let's dive into it. So there are a few factors that dictate how fast your body can put on muscle. The first one is something that we like to call your training age

Call your training age

And that's not how long have you been lifting weights? Because that's one of the biggest variables and how fast your body can pack on size. Because when you're starting to train, you haven't trained before you get something that we call newbie gains, where your body has an ability to put on a lot of muscle really fast. And as you've trained for more years, that muscle mass plateaus and your body is getting closer to its genetic potential of how much muscle mass you can have. So the more you should train the slower, the muscle-building progress will be each subsequent year. As a rule of thumb.

In your first year of training, it's possible to put on 20 to 25 pounds of muscle. In your second year of training. It's possible to put on roughly 10 to 12 pounds of muscle. And your third year and your fourth year go down to roughly five or two and a half pounds of muscle a year. Now, all you need to know, first off 10 into, let's just say 25 pounds of muscle. Your first year is a ton of muscle. If we take a guy whose frame is, you know, let's say, a hundred and seventy-five pounds, and we get them to 200 pounds of muscle 25 pounds of muscle that is it dramatically different guy 25 pounds of muscle will change your entire look, even five pounds of muscle. Here's an image right here of a 5-pound muscle difference. You can see if 1 pound of muscle is a lot. So for you, if you're starting out, you're, if you're in your first or second year of training, you can expect that you can put on, I'd say around, you know, let's say two and a half to three pounds of good weight every single month.

If you find that you're putting on more weight than that, you're probably gaining fat because there's actually a genetic limit to how much muscle we can put on.


So training age is the first thing. The second thing we need to talk about is genetics. We have different genetics. Some guys have better muscle-building genetics and others. That's just the hand that we were dealt based on our parents and our families. We need to understand that most of the guys fall in the middle of this muscle-building bell curve. They're not genetically blessed, but they're not genetically cursed. So those figures that have been given to you before on how much muscle you can expect per year based on training probably fit you. And of course, there are the genetic freaks. Those are the competitive national champion bodybuilder kind of guys that can just put on muscle by looking at waits for you and me. That's probably not us. We fall more in the middle. So genetics also plays a really good part. And if you're a guy who has premium genetics. You're probably not looking about how to put on muscle. So for you, and you're curious about what you can expect you're probably in the middle of that curve. So we need to really optimize your training, your nutrition, your recovery, which is going to talk about a little bit to make sure you're building muscle as quickly as possible. The third thing is supplementation.


What supplements are you taking? And the first thing is we are not talking about just the baseline good supplements that we're going to cover, things like creatine, protein, pre-workout stuff, keto-diet like that. I'm talking about the dark side of supplements like steroids and prohormones and stuff like that because those have a humongous impact on your but your ability to put on muscle. Now, I absolutely do not recommend you go that route. I'm just telling you if anyone says that they're putting on more muscle than that rate.

And we kind of talked about earlier that natural gaining rate, it’s probably because they either have premium genetics. But much more likely, they may be using something that's dramatically altering their hormone levels. Because here's the actual research shows that guys that take to stop drone steroids. And, you know, exotic Eunice testosterone through the injection can put on more muscle than a guy who's lifting naturally, even if they don't lift weights. It's just a fact of the matter. Hormones have a humongous impact on our ability to put on muscle. And if we're taking a lot of testosterone like steroids, you're going to build muscle a lot faster than if you're doing a natural, but also know this, that those gains that come from steroids, they stick around as long as your continue taking those substances. When you stop and you come off, you come back down to the natural rate with a lot of withdrawal effects. So this is why we recommend that you know, you get your hormone levels optimized naturally, but you continue to make stepwise progress with proper expert knowledge & concerns.


You don't need that other kind of steroid stuff, because that's like, your physique really increases. And then it drops and you come off. I'd rather see you do that slow, steady build and your muscle-building progress by doing this naturally safely in a healthy way.


Nutritional balance

Now, the other thing is, how good is your training, your nutrition, your sleep in your recovery? Because we talk about training aids, which is obviously important. And those figures As we gave you in terms of how fast you can also be based on if you're training eating sleeping, right? So let's talk about this a little bit when it comes to muscle building training, one of the most important things that you need to be doing. The best compound exercises, things like squats, bench, deadlift pull-ups, rose like the real core muscle building movements, and you need to get stronger at those doing those consistently in a proven program are absolutely essential for your progress. And if you'd like to get some proform tips on those.

In compound movements, particularly the five best muscle-building exercises, especially if you guy is over 40 or 50, I recommend you check out. Now, once we're getting strong on the compound movements, we also need to understand the proper amount of frequency that we train at which frequency essentially means, how often are we hitting a muscle group? And there's a lot of different ways to train for building muscle. And each one of them has its own merits. What you most often see in these bodybuilding magazines is that they recommend you really split up your workout routine like a chest on Monday, back on Tuesday shoulders on Wednesday legs on Thursday arms on Friday. These are really specialized split routines. And it turns out that in this kind of training style, you really just do a ton of sets for the chest on Monday. And then you don't hit chest again for another, like five to seven days. That is not the most optimal way for most guys to train.


What I prefer that you do is a higher frequency training with lower sets per session. And what that means is, instead of doing 20 sets on Monday for chest day, let’s hit chest twice per week. Let's divide up those 20 sets into 10 sets on one day tens us the other day. And the reason that works is that each time you train a muscle a couple days later, after the training session, you get this protein synthesis, muscle-building stimulus, and not only last for a couple days, and then you need to train again. To get that stimulus. If we've slammed our chest with 20 sets, we're not getting that much more protein synthesis. Then, if we just did 10 sets, we've just created more in the road to recovery that keeps us so damn sore that we can train again for another five to seven days. Instead, optimal number sets split twice per week.

That's why the best kind of splits for guys in there, let's say the 20s and 30s first off are typically upper-lower splits where you do upper body lower body, upper body, lower body, and then ensure that your training roughly four times per week and you're hitting each body part twice per week as we get into our 40s and 50s. It's even more optimal to spread out that volume even more with three times a week full-body workouts, where you're doing all the best compound exercises space throughout the week.

And the reason is, we do the right number of sets, and we recover the right number of sets recover, and you're hitting the body more frequently, which keeps the muscle-building stimulus constant. So, training is super-important, right? Kind of exercises, right? Kind of volume.


But if you are not eating properly and recovering, you're not going to put on size. Period. Nutrition is where we build muscle. Training creates stimulus nutrition actually builds the house. So what we need to do is, first off, make sure you're getting the right number of calories, because you're not eating enough. Your body doesn't have enough calories and protein and carbs to actually build the muscle for you. So we need to roughly know how many calories your body needs. And then we need to eat roughly around 250 to 500 calories over that mark. The reason is we don't want to eat like 2000 calories over that mark with those bulking plans that you see guys do is that, remember, your body has a maximum rate of muscle can put on every month.

If you eat way more calories than you need, you're just building the max amount of muscle. But most of that is just facking. It's not what you want, because you're gonna have to die it off that fat, and then you're gonna lose the muscle in the process.

Daily routine

When nutrition, every meal, and roughly we recommend you eat for every four hours or so to keep your body getting the right amount of food throughout the day. So it's like breakfast at 8:00 lunch at noon snack at for dinner at like 7:00 or 8:00, or so you don't need to eat six meals a day, but roughly every four hours each one of those meals should have protein carbs, healthy fats every single meal. So pick some kind of protein source in each meal chicken fish steak eggs. You know, something? A good quality protein pairs it with some carbs, you know, like, almost like a two ratio more carbs and protein. A lot of guys don't know that carbs are one of the best ways to build muscle. And if you don't keep carbs in your diet, you're not going to put on muscle. So you need the right kind of carbs. So we also like healthy carbs in there like fruit oatmeal. Obviously, your fibrous veggies, you know, sweet potatoes, rice. These are good muscle-building fuel that if your training right, these will not make you fat, they'll just feel your muscle gains. We also need some healthy fats in there, things like avocado oils, nuts, and seeds, because does fat helps increase your testosterone production?


And it really helps balance out the blood sugar effect of these meals keeping you anabolic and building muscle and energized all day. So we kind of give you a quick overview of the training, nutrition and supplementation front.


Obviously, we recommend you stick with natural bodybuilding, you know, doing this the right natural way step by step. And there are supplements that actually do work for natural bodybuilders. The first one is creatine monohydrate. Every guy should be taking this. It is a proven muscle-building supplement. Perhaps the most research supplement on the planet. There are more studies and creatine than there are on vitamin c, which is crazy. Creatine is just so well studied. Five grams after your workout is enough every day to really increase your muscle gains and a quality protein powder.

Casein or wheat nutrition

You know, whey or casein blend after your workout around 35 to 40 grams, it's enough to really kick start your muscle building after your training, and other than that, it doesn't have to get more

Complicated all the high protein stuff about pre-workout supplements and nitric oxide boosters testosterone boosters a lot of the stuff, not really well research, and not nearly as effective as a good diet, good training, creatine and protein. And before your workout, if you need some stimulation, some black coffee or a pre-workout supplement school for the caffeine helps get you a little focused and dialed in for the training. But that's basically it in a nutshell. Your ability to build muscle really depends on your training age your genetics, your supplements, and how well you're doing the training, nutrition and supplementation. So what you can expect based on your training age on how much muscle you should be putting on if you're putting on more than 5 pounds per month. Even if you're a newbie, you're probably gaining some fat. And i recommend you take the slow step-by-step approach. And of course, I recommend you check out our five best muscle building exercises because we show you those best compound movements.

But also, we show you some form of tweaks to make the exercises safer and more effective for stimulating your muscles, not damaging your joints. So like things like the bench press, which would be kind of hard on your shoulders. We show you how to make that a lot more shoulder-friendly and actually hit your packs a lot harder plan.

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